Monday was the 100th Day of School!
We had so much fun with all the activities...
When the kids came in I had already hidden 100 paper chicks around the classroom as well as placed 100 footprints on the floor for them to walk.
We had a lot of fun searching for all the hidden chicks around the room.
We haven't found them all...
After we starting working on our 100 fruit loop necklaces.
In our journals we had to draw 100 of anything we wanted.
We made a special snack mixing 100 of each of the following:
- Chocolate chips
- M&M’s (NO Peanuts)
- Mini marshmallows
- Candy conversation hearts
- Chex cereal
- Skittles
- Mini Pretzels
- Popcorn
- Raisins
- Craisin
-Honey Comb cereal
-Fruit loops cereal
-Colored marshmallows
-Teddy Grahams
-Fruit Snacks
-Animal Crackers
-Ginger bread Cookies
We received specal 100th Day of School Pencils!
We drew what we would look like when we are 100 years old!
We worked with partners to count to 100 by 10s on ice creams.
We played a fun game of Race to 100.
We wrote the letters in our first names and color coded each letter.
We had a really fun special P.E.
We also sorted pennies into groups of 5 to make 100.
We sorted our collection of 100 into groups of 10.
Overall we had a really fun 100th Day of School!