This last week was apple week. To celebrate we learned about Johnny Appleseed and how apples can start as a seed and progress to a tree.
We matched our capital and lowercase letters on apples. Three kids were able to do this as once in a different color apple.
We did apple tastings to find which apple we liked best.
We graphed which apple we liked best.
We tore paper to cover apples to match which apple we liked best.
We came up with different words that an apple is.
We campared how each apple is unique, all are alike, and all are different.
We did patterning with apples.
We colored pictures of apples and apple trees.
We drew pictures of Johnny Appleseed.
We also painted using apples as our paint brushes.
We did apple memory matching games with shapes on the other side.
We sang apple songs.
We made Johnny Appleseed hats.