Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fire Safety

This week we have been learning about fire safety.
We have learned about
Stop, Drop, and Roll while covering your face.
We put a pretend flame on our clothing and have to roll around until it falls off, it's a lot of fun.
We practice staying low in smoke by crawling as low to the ground under the tables. 
We learn about the different parts of a fire engine.
We also learn about what a firefighter wears.
We compare firefighters and doctors. 




We walked to the fire station.

 They gave us a tour of inside the station as well as an engine.

  We were shown a firefighers so we know what they would look like in case of an emergency. 

 One of the fireman came down the pole for us.
We still have more to come but have had a great start of our week.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Apple Week

This last week was apple week. To celebrate we learned about Johnny Appleseed and how apples can start as a seed and progress to a tree. 

We matched our capital and lowercase letters on apples.  Three kids were able to do this as once in a different color apple.

We did apple tastings to find which apple we liked best.

We graphed which apple we liked best.

We tore paper to cover apples to match which apple we liked best.

We came up with different words that an apple is.

We campared how each apple is unique, all are alike, and all are different.

We did patterning with apples.

We colored pictures of apples and apple trees.

We drew pictures of Johnny Appleseed.
We also painted using apples as our paint brushes. 
We did apple memory matching games with shapes on the other side.
We sang apple songs.

We made Johnny Appleseed hats.

Space Shuttle and Numbers in the Sky

The other day some planes were flying over the school creating numbers.

Today the Space Shuttle Endeavor was flying its final flight and went over the school.

It was really neat for the kids to be able to see.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012


I added a tree to the counting to the 100th day of school.
I am working on a new fall board but am still working on the words and making more birds to add to the tree.

I added the Fall into Kindergarten!

Chicka, Chicka, Boom, Boom

This year has started out fantastic.  For our second day of school we did all things chicka, chicka, boom, boom. 
The stories we read as well as the trees we made with our names.

Our tree before...

Our tree after.

We had books that had the letters in them to color. As well as trees to add coconuts for the number mentioned on the page.

We had trees to add letters with coconuts to our trees as we read the story.

We also have coconut trees that the top has a capital letter the truck has the lowercase letters and we need to match the capital with the lowercase letter to make a tree.